About Me

Hi, I'm Audra

I am a raw food enthusiast and I want to share the wonderful benefits you receive from eating natural, plant-based raw foods.Whether you just want to incorporate more plant-based foods into your lifestyle, or educate yourself on the healing benefits of plant-based foods or how to have proper raw food diet, or juice fasting and or just want some great easy recipes. I am here to support you along on your journey to a Happier and Healthy way of life.


My Journey

I had suffered from many allergies and a severe case of eczema in my late teens. Being a southern California girl, always at the beach, you can imagine how horrible it was to have to cover up parts of your body because I was embarrassed by this horrible rash that had taken over my legs. I had tried every type of topical medications and internal medications with little to no results. Finally I turned to a natural solution… I changed my diet. At the age of 18 I became a vegan. Within a few months my eczema literally had gone away. I have been a Massage Therapist since 1995 and know the benefits of a healthy state of mind, spirit and body. On my journey to maintain an optimal healing lifestyle over the years it had lead me to raw foods in 2003 when stress had caused my eczema to flare up again. I went on an all-raw plant-based food diet that instantly cured my eczema. Experiencing more energy and vitality, I quickly became a raw food enthusiast. Wanting to share the wonderful benefits of plant based foods I went on to become a Gourmet Raw Food Chef, Un-Baked Pastry Artist, Instructor and Raw Food Nutrition Educator in 2012. I am excited to help you discover a healthy, vibrant way of life without sacrificing delicious flavors!

Training & Education

Living Light
At the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute I trained with some of the worlds greatest raw food chefs, including Cherie Soria, Jennifer Cornbleet, Vinnette Thompson and Martine Lussier. After months of intense training, I earned a certificate as a Gourmet Raw Chef and Instructor. I developed recipes, presented demonstrations, catered events and increased my awareness of ingredients and raw food preparation techniques.
Raw Food Education
I worked with Drs. Rick and Karin Dina of Raw Food Education. Throughout their program I studied the scientific evidence behind raw food nutrition. We reviewed numerous peer-reviewed studies that showed data for the many benefits raw plant foods had on a variety of health conditions. I earned an Advanced Raw Food Nutrition Educator certification.
Audra at work making yummy pastries